1. 【(VOCHIC)】Women Sparkle Dazzling Rhinestone Elegant Party Hard Case Wallets Clutch Purses
  2. 【(VOCHIC)】Women Sparkle Dazzling Rhinestone Elegant Party Hard Case Wallets Clutch Purses
  3. 【(VOCHIC)】Women Sparkle Dazzling Rhinestone Elegant Party Hard Case Wallets Clutch Purses
  4. 【(VOCHIC)】Women Sparkle Dazzling Rhinestone Elegant Party Hard Case Wallets Clutch Purses
  5. 【(VOCHIC)】Women Sparkle Dazzling Rhinestone Elegant Party Hard Case Wallets Clutch Purses
  6. 【ロエベ】シープスキン★パーティーバッグ 黒×金*がま口【未使用・中古・展示品】/mE366
  7. 【モイナハンドバッグ(Moyna Handbags)】Moyna Handbags Beaded Evening Clutch (Gold)
  8. Mary Frances Act Natural Evening Bag Multi 女性 クラッチバッグ 結婚式 パーティー ラメ ラインストーン
  9. 【(Fawziya)】Fawziya Bling Sakura Flower Baguette Hard Case Clutch Purse Luxury Rhinestone Crystal Evening Clutch Handbag-Blue
  10. 【(Fawziya)】Fawziya Bling Sakura Flower Baguette Hard Case Clutch Purse Luxury Rhinestone Crystal Evening Clutch Handbag-Gold
  11. 【(Fawziya)】Fawziya Bling Sakura Flower Baguette Hard Case Clutch Purse Luxury Rhinestone Crystal Evening Clutch Handbag-Pink
  12. 【カラーリー(Colory)】Colory Women's Designer Rose Shape Glitter Rhinestone Clutch Minaudiere Pink
  13. 【カラーリー(Colory)】Colory Women's Designer Rose Shape Glitter Rhinestone Clutch Minaudiere Black
  14. 【ホワイティング & デイビス(Whiting & Davis)】Whiting & Davis Bubble Mesh and Crystal Clutch,Gold,one size
  15. 【ホワイティング & デイビス(Whiting & Davis)】Whiting & Davis Bubble Mesh and Crystal Clutch,Silver,one size
  16. Whiting & Davis Whiting & Davis Cage Minaudiere Clutch Gold 女性 クラッチバッグ 結婚式 パーティー ラメ ラインストーン
  17. 【メアリーフランシス(Mary Frances)】Mary Frances 11-408 Movie Star Clutch,Silver,One Size
  18. Whiting & Davis Whiting & Davis Metal Mesh Scale Mai Bracelet Evening Bag Gold 女性 クラッチバッグ 結婚式 パーティー ラメ ラインストーン
  19. 【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Solid Satin Minaudiere Rhinestones Bridal Clutch Evening Bag,Black
  20. 【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Exquisite Luxury Evening Party Minaudiere Hardcase Clutch Bag,Fuchsia
  21. 【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Exquisite Crystals Bridal Evening Bag Owl Glaring Clutch,Gold/A
  22. 【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Exquisite Crystals Bridal Evening Bag Owl Glaring Clutch,Blue
  23. 【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Solid Satin Minaudiere Rhinestones Bridal Clutch Evening Bag,Gold
  24. 【ホワイティング & デイビス(Whiting & Davis)】Whiting & Davis Crystal Pillow Minaudiere,Black,one size
  25. 【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Exquisite Crystals Bridal Evening Bag Owl Glaring Clutch,Gold
  26. 【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Exquisite Crystals Bridal Evening Bag Owl Glaring Clutch,Apricot
  27. 【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Chic Crystals Butterfly Hardcase Clutch Evening Bag,White
  28. 【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Rhinestones Flora Deluxe Bridal Evening Party Hardcase Handbag,Gold
  29. 【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Half Moon Chic Peacock Crystals Wedding Hardcase Evening Bag,Blue
  30. 【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Rhinestones Floral Elegant Party Bridal Hardcase Evening Bag,Silver

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【(VOCHIC)】Women Sparkle Dazzling Rhinestone Elegant Party Hard Case Wallets Clutch Purses

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Material: Rhinestone・6''5/8 L x 1''1/2 W x 4''3/4 H.・Magnetic snap closure・Removable silvertone chain

【(VOCHIC)】Women Sparkle Dazzling Rhinestone Elegant Party Hard Case Wallets Clutch Purses

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Material: Rhinestone・6''5/8 L x 1''1/2 W x 4''3/4 H.・Magnetic snap closure・Removable silvertone chain

【(VOCHIC)】Women Sparkle Dazzling Rhinestone Elegant Party Hard Case Wallets Clutch Purses

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Material: Rhinestone・6''5/8 L x 1''1/2 W x 4''3/4 H.・Magnetic snap closure・Removable silvertone chain

【(VOCHIC)】Women Sparkle Dazzling Rhinestone Elegant Party Hard Case Wallets Clutch Purses

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Material: Rhinestone・6''5/8 L x 1''1/2 W x 4''3/4 H.・Magnetic snap closure・Removable silvertone chain

【(VOCHIC)】Women Sparkle Dazzling Rhinestone Elegant Party Hard Case Wallets Clutch Purses

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Material: Rhinestone・6''5/8 L x 1''1/2 W x 4''3/4 H.・Magnetic snap closure・Removable silvertone chain

【ロエベ】シープスキン★パーティーバッグ 黒×金*がま口【未使用・中古・展示品】/mE366

商品詳細  *【ロエベ】ボール金具付きがま口パーティーバッグ *シープスキン×GP *カラー:黒×ゴールド金具 *縦×横×マチ:(中央)約19.0cm×最大約20.0cm×最小約1.5cm〜 *持ち手の長さ:約41.0cm *参考定価:184,800円 *ランク:SA ★金具部分にキズがあり、表面・持ち手に擦れがあります。 ※写真に撮り切れていないキズや汚れがある場合もございます。                                       (BRAB YYY)20886****************************************************************************** ランクN : 新品* ランクS : 未使用品/新品仕上げ* ランクA : 若干の小キズがみられますが全体的にキレイなUSED品* ランクB : 使用感があり目立つ傷みや汚れがあるUSED品* ランクC : 深い傷やダメージが見受けられるUSED品*****************************************************************************★お客様の観点によって、多少ランクの誤差が生じる事もございます。★ランクについてはあくまでも目安とし、画像にてご判断頂きたくお願いいたします。★ご不明な点はご質問くださいませ。 支払詳細 * 銀行振り込み … 楽天バンク* 商品代引き … クロネコヤマト* 現金書留* クレジットカード 発送詳細 ★ クロネコヤマト … 送料無料 (北海道・沖縄・離島へは一律送料500円頂戴しております)※ 商品代引きの場合 → 「代引き手数料」 はお客様のご負担にてお願いしております。                 現金払い(代引きでのカード払いは取り扱っておりません)※商品代金+代引き手数料が30万円を超える場合、代引きでの発送はご利用いただけません。 注意事項 ★ ご注文後のキャンセルはお断り致します。★ ご注文後5日以内のご連絡をお願い申し上げます。★ 購入後のクレームには対応できませんのでご了承下さい。 ★ 商品は店舗でも同時販売しております。   時間差でお客様のご注文より先に売れてしまう場合がございます。   売り切れの際はご連絡させて頂きますので何卒ご了承下さいますようお願い申し上げます。★ 休日はご注文後のご連絡・ご入金確認・商品の発送、また質問への回答などが出来ません。   申し訳ございませんが、休み明けのご対応になりますのでよろしくお願いいたします。 店舗情報 ◆質 武市 本店         ★営業時間 : 9:00〜20:00 (店舗)                   9:00〜18:00 (オークション関連)         ★電話番号 : 06−6862−0171         ★定 休 日 : 毎月7日・17日・27日◆リサイクルブティック TAKEICHI 元町店         ★営業時間 : 10:00〜19:00         ★電話番号 : 06−6868−0597         ★定 休 日 : 毎週 水曜日◆リサイクルブティック TAKEICHI 駅前店         ★営業時間 : 11:00〜20:00         ★電話番号 : 06−6862−3927         ★定 休 日 : 毎週 日曜日

【モイナハンドバッグ(Moyna Handbags)】Moyna Handbags Beaded Evening Clutch (Gold)


Mary Frances Act Natural Evening Bag Multi 女性 クラッチバッグ 結婚式 パーティー ラメ ラインストーン

・78% Polyurethane/22% Beads・Imported・fabric lining・clasp closure・14.5" shoulder drop・4.75" high・8" wide・Bead, Stone and Fabric Embelishments・Faux Leather・Beaded・Removable beaded strapこちらの商品は海外よりお取り寄せとなりますので、お届けまで2〜3週間前後かかります。また他の店舗と在庫を共有しているため、ご注文時に「在庫あり」の商品でも在庫切れとなっている場合もございます。予めご了承ください。用途記念日成人の日・子供の日・母の日・父の日・孫の日・敬老の日・七五三・誕生日・こどもの日・記念品季節暑中見舞い・残暑見舞い・初売り・お中元・お歳暮・初盆・年賀品・迎春・クリスマス・クリスマスイブ・聖バレンタインデー・バレンタインデー・ホワイトデー・お正月・新生活・ハロウィン・ハロウィーン・ハロウイン・七夕結婚結婚祝・内祝・ブライダル・ブライダルギフト・ウェディング・ウェディングギフト・引出物・引き出物・進物・結婚内祝い・披露宴・贈り物・結婚式・離婚式・お返し人生の節目入園祝い・就職祝い・入学祝い・成人祝い・卒業祝い・出産祝・金婚式・銀婚式・定年祝・還暦祝・傘寿・喜寿・米寿・白寿・引越し祝い・長寿のお祝・誕生祝・おみやげ陶器の置物・手土産・お土産お祝い退院祝い・快気祝・ギフト・プレゼント・サプライズ・お返し物・贈り物・お返し品・粗品・新築祝・ご開店祝い・内祝い好適品・ゴルフ・コンペ・記念品・落成記念・設立記念・創業記念・周年記念・パーティー・開業祝・寿・お礼贈る相手親・家族・兄・弟・姉・妹・母親・父親・おじいちゃん・おばあちゃん・祖父・祖母・義母・義父・子供・赤ちゃん・友人・友達・息子・娘・彼女・彼氏・妻・夫年数10周年・20周年・30周年・40周年・50周年・60周年

【(Fawziya)】Fawziya Bling Sakura Flower Baguette Hard Case Clutch Purse Luxury Rhinestone Crystal Evening Clutch Handbag-Blue

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Material: Diamond metal PU lining・Color: Black Gold Silver・Size: 20 (L) * 6 (W) * 10 (H) cm・Chain:50 cm chain removable・Occasion: Bridal / Prom / Evening Bag

【(Fawziya)】Fawziya Bling Sakura Flower Baguette Hard Case Clutch Purse Luxury Rhinestone Crystal Evening Clutch Handbag-Gold

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Material: Diamond metal PU lining・Color: Black Gold Silver・Size: 20 (L) * 6 (W) * 10 (H) cm・Chain:50 cm chain removable・Occasion: Bridal / Prom / Evening Bag

【(Fawziya)】Fawziya Bling Sakura Flower Baguette Hard Case Clutch Purse Luxury Rhinestone Crystal Evening Clutch Handbag-Pink

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Material: Diamond metal PU lining・Color: Black Gold Silver・Size: 20 (L) * 6 (W) * 10 (H) cm・Chain:50 cm chain removable・Occasion: Bridal / Prom / Evening Bag

【カラーリー(Colory)】Colory Women's Designer Rose Shape Glitter Rhinestone Clutch Minaudiere Pink

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Main material:metal with Austria stones;pu lining・Glitter flower shape・Clip clasp fastening・1 Detachable chain strap・Bag Size:5.1"*1.9"*5.1"

【カラーリー(Colory)】Colory Women's Designer Rose Shape Glitter Rhinestone Clutch Minaudiere Black

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Main material:metal with Austria stones;pu lining・Glitter flower shape・Clip clasp fastening・1 Detachable chain strap・Bag Size:5.1"*1.9"*5.1"

【ホワイティング & デイビス(Whiting & Davis)】Whiting & Davis Bubble Mesh and Crystal Clutch,Gold,one size

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Brass mesh・Fabric lining・clasp closure・6" shoulder drop・4.5" high・7.5" wide・Frame top entry with clasp・Fabric lining・Interior wall slide pocket・Optional chain shoulder strap with 7.5 drop length

【ホワイティング & デイビス(Whiting & Davis)】Whiting & Davis Bubble Mesh and Crystal Clutch,Silver,one size

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Brass mesh・Fabric lining・clasp closure・6" shoulder drop・4.5" high・7.5" wide・Frame top entry with clasp・Fabric lining・Interior wall slide pocket・Optional chain shoulder strap with 7.5 drop length

Whiting & Davis Whiting & Davis Cage Minaudiere Clutch Gold 女性 クラッチバッグ 結婚式 パーティー ラメ ラインストーン

・100% Brass・Imported・Fabric lining・Clasp closure・21" shoulder drop・4" high・6" wide・Mini-size hinged shell clutch with allover gold-tone mesh and metallic hardware trims・Large hardware clasp closure and cross-body chain strap・Shoulder strap length: 109.2cmこちらの商品は海外よりお取り寄せとなりますので、お届けまで2〜3週間前後かかります。また他の店舗と在庫を共有しているため、ご注文時に「在庫あり」の商品でも在庫切れとなっている場合もございます。予めご了承ください。用途記念日成人の日・子供の日・母の日・父の日・孫の日・敬老の日・七五三・誕生日・こどもの日・記念品季節暑中見舞い・残暑見舞い・初売り・お中元・お歳暮・初盆・年賀品・迎春・クリスマス・クリスマスイブ・聖バレンタインデー・バレンタインデー・ホワイトデー・お正月・新生活・ハロウィン・ハロウィーン・ハロウイン・七夕結婚結婚祝・内祝・ブライダル・ブライダルギフト・ウェディング・ウェディングギフト・引出物・引き出物・進物・結婚内祝い・披露宴・贈り物・結婚式・離婚式・お返し人生の節目入園祝い・就職祝い・入学祝い・成人祝い・卒業祝い・出産祝・金婚式・銀婚式・定年祝・還暦祝・傘寿・喜寿・米寿・白寿・引越し祝い・長寿のお祝・誕生祝・おみやげ陶器の置物・手土産・お土産お祝い退院祝い・快気祝・ギフト・プレゼント・サプライズ・お返し物・贈り物・お返し品・粗品・新築祝・ご開店祝い・内祝い好適品・ゴルフ・コンペ・記念品・落成記念・設立記念・創業記念・周年記念・パーティー・開業祝・寿・お礼贈る相手親・家族・兄・弟・姉・妹・母親・父親・おじいちゃん・おばあちゃん・祖父・祖母・義母・義父・子供・赤ちゃん・友人・友達・息子・娘・彼女・彼氏・妻・夫年数10周年・20周年・30周年・40周年・50周年・60周年

【メアリーフランシス(Mary Frances)】Mary Frances 11-408 Movie Star Clutch,Silver,One Size

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Beads and pvc non leather・Fabric lining・kiss lock closure・18.25" shoulder drop・4" high・7.25" wide

Whiting & Davis Whiting & Davis Metal Mesh Scale Mai Bracelet Evening Bag Gold 女性 クラッチバッグ 結婚式 パーティー ラメ ラインストーン

・Brass Metal Mesh・Imported・Fabric lining・Clasp closure・4" high・6.25" wide・Rectangular hard-shell clutch with hardware frame and inset metal mesh・Chain strap with mesh-covered bracelet wristletこちらの商品は海外よりお取り寄せとなりますので、お届けまで2〜3週間前後かかります。また他の店舗と在庫を共有しているため、ご注文時に「在庫あり」の商品でも在庫切れとなっている場合もございます。予めご了承ください。用途記念日成人の日・子供の日・母の日・父の日・孫の日・敬老の日・七五三・誕生日・こどもの日・記念品季節暑中見舞い・残暑見舞い・初売り・お中元・お歳暮・初盆・年賀品・迎春・クリスマス・クリスマスイブ・聖バレンタインデー・バレンタインデー・ホワイトデー・お正月・新生活・ハロウィン・ハロウィーン・ハロウイン・七夕結婚結婚祝・内祝・ブライダル・ブライダルギフト・ウェディング・ウェディングギフト・引出物・引き出物・進物・結婚内祝い・披露宴・贈り物・結婚式・離婚式・お返し人生の節目入園祝い・就職祝い・入学祝い・成人祝い・卒業祝い・出産祝・金婚式・銀婚式・定年祝・還暦祝・傘寿・喜寿・米寿・白寿・引越し祝い・長寿のお祝・誕生祝・おみやげ陶器の置物・手土産・お土産お祝い退院祝い・快気祝・ギフト・プレゼント・サプライズ・お返し物・贈り物・お返し品・粗品・新築祝・ご開店祝い・内祝い好適品・ゴルフ・コンペ・記念品・落成記念・設立記念・創業記念・周年記念・パーティー・開業祝・寿・お礼贈る相手親・家族・兄・弟・姉・妹・母親・父親・おじいちゃん・おばあちゃん・祖父・祖母・義母・義父・子供・赤ちゃん・友人・友達・息子・娘・彼女・彼氏・妻・夫年数10周年・20周年・30周年・40周年・50周年・60周年

【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Solid Satin Minaudiere Rhinestones Bridal Clutch Evening Bag,Black

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Colorful rhinestones lend a one of a kind touch to this chic Crystal evening clutch from Damara Handbags.・It is made from firm metal and features a structured shape and a box design with a pattern of flowers crystal sequins and large colorful rhinestones that create a distinctive pattern in the center.・This handmade minaudiere box clutch features metal frame construction and flowers-shape clasp closure on the top and closed with magnetic snap closures on sides.・It has a small main compartment with a vinyl lined interior that to hold cash or small accessories. By the way this medium clutch evening bag comes with its original box!・Approximate Dimensions:7.68"L X 3.54"W X 1.38"H (19.5cm X 9cm X 3.5cm) Chain Strap 15.75" (40cm).NOTE:Different people with different measurement so it may exist 2-3 measurement errors.Hope you will not mind it.Due to monitor variations colors may appear slightly different.

【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Exquisite Luxury Evening Party Minaudiere Hardcase Clutch Bag,Fuchsia

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Add a touch of glamour to any evening outfit with this chic hardsided clutch bag from Damara.・It features a hard case design with an allover rhinestones sparkle metal frame construction.・This hardsided clutch bag has an extra small main compartment with a fully lined interior that offers just enough storage for your cell phone lipstick cash and credit cards.・A concealable chain strap provides versatile carrying options as a handheld clutch or a chic shoulder bag. This clutch bag is coordinate with any style of jewelry and dress. By the way this medium clutch evening bag comes with its original box!・Approximate Dimensions:6.69"L X 3.74"W X 1.57"H (17cm X 9.5cm X 4cm) Chain Strap 15.75" (40cm).NOTE:Different people with different measurement so it may exist 2-3 measurement errors.Hope you will not mind it.Due to monitor variations colors may appear slightly different.

【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Exquisite Crystals Bridal Evening Bag Owl Glaring Clutch,Gold/A

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Made of metal exquisitely framed multi-colored crystal clutch with snap closure.・Mini evening bag charmingly designed in the shape of an owl which features a pattern of diamond-shaped feathers across the body and even tiny feet at the satchel's base.・This clutch bag has an extra small shape and a vinyl lined interior that offers perfect size for keeping small items like lipstick ID tissues and keys close at hand throughout the night.Carry this dazzling evening bag as a clutch or use the removable chain strap to slip the baguette over an arm when go hands-free.・The purse will pick up with the color of your dress or outfit and also fit in wonderfully with your special event look.It comes with a black original box!・Approximate Dimensions:6.69"L X 4.72"H X 1.18"W Chain drop 19.29".NOTE:Different people with different measurement so it may exist 2-3 measurement errors.Hope you will not mind it.Due to monitor variations colors may appear slightly different.

【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Exquisite Crystals Bridal Evening Bag Owl Glaring Clutch,Blue

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Made of metal exquisitely framed multi-colored crystal clutch with snap closure.・Mini evening bag charmingly designed in the shape of an owl which features a pattern of diamond-shaped feathers across the body and even tiny feet at the satchel's base.・This clutch bag has an extra small shape and a vinyl lined interior that offers perfect size for keeping small items like lipstick ID tissues and keys close at hand throughout the night.Carry this dazzling evening bag as a clutch or use the removable chain strap to slip the baguette over an arm when go hands-free.・The purse will pick up with the color of your dress or outfit and also fit in wonderfully with your special event look.It comes with a black original box!・Approximate Dimensions:6.69"L X 4.72"H X 1.18"W Chain drop 19.29".NOTE:Different people with different measurement so it may exist 2-3 measurement errors.Hope you will not mind it.Due to monitor variations colors may appear slightly different.

【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Solid Satin Minaudiere Rhinestones Bridal Clutch Evening Bag,Gold

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Colorful rhinestones lend a one of a kind touch to this chic Crystal evening clutch from Damara Handbags.・It is made from firm metal and features a structured shape and a box design with a pattern of flowers crystal sequins and large colorful rhinestones that create a distinctive pattern in the center.・This handmade minaudiere box clutch features metal frame construction and flowers-shape clasp closure on the top and closed with magnetic snap closures on sides.・It has a small main compartment with a vinyl lined interior that to hold cash or small accessories. By the way this medium clutch evening bag comes with its original box!・Approximate Dimensions:7.68"L X 3.54"W X 1.38"H (19.5cm X 9cm X 3.5cm) Chain Strap 15.75" (40cm).NOTE:Different people with different measurement so it may exist 2-3 measurement errors.Hope you will not mind it.Due to monitor variations colors may appear slightly different.

【ホワイティング & デイビス(Whiting & Davis)】Whiting & Davis Crystal Pillow Minaudiere,Black,one size

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Brass mesh・Logoed lining・clasp closure・18" shoulder drop・3.5" high・6" wide・Top quality brass metal dimple mesh・Front and back vertical rows of inset crystals・Crystal encrusted push clasp top closure・Detachable tubular snake chain with 23.5 inch drop length・Signature whiting davis lining

【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Exquisite Crystals Bridal Evening Bag Owl Glaring Clutch,Gold

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Made of metal exquisitely framed multi-colored crystal clutch with snap closure.・Mini evening bag charmingly designed in the shape of an owl which features a pattern of diamond-shaped feathers across the body and even tiny feet at the satchel's base.・This clutch bag has an extra small shape and a vinyl lined interior that offers perfect size for keeping small items like lipstick ID tissues and keys close at hand throughout the night.Carry this dazzling evening bag as a clutch or use the removable chain strap to slip the baguette over an arm when go hands-free.・The purse will pick up with the color of your dress or outfit and also fit in wonderfully with your special event look.It comes with a black original box!・Approximate Dimensions:6.69"L X 4.72"H X 1.18"W Chain drop 19.29".NOTE:Different people with different measurement so it may exist 2-3 measurement errors.Hope you will not mind it.Due to monitor variations colors may appear slightly different.

【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Exquisite Crystals Bridal Evening Bag Owl Glaring Clutch,Apricot

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Made of metal exquisitely framed multi-colored crystal clutch with snap closure.・Mini evening bag charmingly designed in the shape of an owl which features a pattern of diamond-shaped feathers across the body and even tiny feet at the satchel's base.・This clutch bag has an extra small shape and a vinyl lined interior that offers perfect size for keeping small items like lipstick ID tissues and keys close at hand throughout the night.Carry this dazzling evening bag as a clutch or use the removable chain strap to slip the baguette over an arm when go hands-free.・The purse will pick up with the color of your dress or outfit and also fit in wonderfully with your special event look.It comes with a black original box!・Approximate Dimensions:6.69"L X 4.72"H X 1.18"W Chain drop 19.29".NOTE:Different people with different measurement so it may exist 2-3 measurement errors.Hope you will not mind it.Due to monitor variations colors may appear slightly different.

【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Chic Crystals Butterfly Hardcase Clutch Evening Bag,White

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Metal with a vinyl lined.・The Hardcase Clutch bag has a structured shape and an elegant design with a shiny eye-catching exterior metal frame construction and a sparkling crystals flowers clasp closure on the top.・A stylish and sophisticated look that adds instant style to a dress for an evening event or a social occasion.The small interior offers just enough room to hold your cell phone lipstick cash and credit cards or other small items that you need to keep within easy reach.・A concealable chain strap provide versatile carrying options to suit your personal style.This hardcase clutch comes with its original box.・Measurement Approximately:6.69"L X 3.74"H X 1.77"W Chain drop 22.4".NOTE:Different people with different measurement so it may exist 2-3 measurement errors.Hope you will not mind it.Due to monitor variations colors may appear slightly different.

【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Rhinestones Flora Deluxe Bridal Evening Party Hardcase Handbag,Gold

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・With a chic hardside design and sparkling rhinestone details this clutch bag adds glamour and sophistication to any evening outfit.・It features a metal frame structured rectangular shape covered in small little rhinestones with a sparkling clasp closure on the top and closed with magnetic snap closures on sides.・This unique clutch bag has a small shape and a single interior compartment that offers storage for your lipstick cash and credit cards or other must have items.・An optional shoulder strap provides different looks as a handheld clutch or a shoulder bag.By the way this medium clutch evening bag comes with its original box!・Approximate Dimensions:7.09"L X 3.54"W X 1.38"H (18cm X 9cm X 3.5cm) Chain Strap 15.75" (40cm). NOTE:Different people with different measurement so it may exist 2-3 measurement errors.Hope you will not mind it.Due to monitor variations colors may appear slightly different.

【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Half Moon Chic Peacock Crystals Wedding Hardcase Evening Bag,Blue

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・With a metal exoskeleton and vinyl lined design and a covering of glittered crystals.・The Hardcase Clutch bag has a hard sided structured shape with a colorful exquisite peacock over the body and metal work that's as romantic as you are mysterious.・The main compartment is small secures with sparkling 2 strong magnets to hold the top closure tightly shut while 2 blue crystal-studded knobs allow you to open the handbag whenever you need to and features a vinyl fully lined interior that offers plenty of storage for all of your essential items such as makeup tissues and identification cards.・Eye-catching and all matched for your evening parties night out or just for dating.By the way this small clutch evening bag comes with its original box!・Approximate Dimensions:6.69"L X 4.13"H X 1.77"W Chain Strap 20.08". NOTE:Different people with different measurement so it may exist 2-3 measurement errors.Hope you will not mind it.Due to monitor variations colors may appear slightly different.

【ダマラ(Damara)】Damara Womens Rhinestones Floral Elegant Party Bridal Hardcase Evening Bag,Silver

■カラー・サイズ違いはこちらからご確認下さい。・Elevate your style status when you carry your bare necessities to the next party or dressy social affair in the Damara Hardcase Evening Bag.・This dainty yet durable medium clutch purse features sturdy curvy compact framed construction with shiny made of metal rhinestones on face and with vinyl lined ・Colorful-toned hardware; outside with striking rhinestones design with flowers overlay; and 2 lovely rhinestones-flower clasp on top but closed with magnetic snap closures on sides.・It boasts a lined interior with just enough room to hold your cell phone; keys; powder compact; lipstick; and cash and credit cards and it comes with a short detachable chain straps for versatile wear as either a clutch bag or a shoulder bag. By the way this medium clutch evening bag comes with its original box!・Approximate Dimensions:7.87"L X 3.35"W X 1.77"H (20cm X 8.5cm X 4.5cm) Chain Strap 15.75" (40cm).